Why choose Capstone?

We are committed to;
- Providing quality care to children and young people.
- Ensuring and supporting young people in education, training and employment.
- Supporting young people to develop life skills.
- Ensuring children and young people are given opportunities to achieve their full potential.
We offer;
- Individual or Family Therapy, through a registered Psychotherapy Service.
- Qualified Social Worker with over 22 years of Child Care experience.
- Supervised visits and Contacts.
- Monthly reports on young people's progress and development.
- An independent living programme tailored to meet the individual needs and abilities of young people.
Beautiful family homes in quiet locations around Nottingham.
All of our homes are decorated to a high modern standard and meets all regulatory requirements.
Our homes provide care for young people between 10 -18 years of age and for both sexes. All homes are fully staffed 24 hours per day 7 days per week.